In Reverence / Cienna Rose

Welcome to In Reverence.

On this series we ask 10 questions about self-care to folx we hold dear, honoring all kinds of voices and their Self Ceremonies. 

We’re interested in digging into the ways self-care has helped people evolve past their own blocks, trauma and social conditioning. We believe in the deep healing path of vulnerability and compassion and how this can help us enrich our beautiful community.

For this edition we're honored to welcome Cienna Rose, founder of Ode To Wonder.


Cienna Rose / Ode to Wonder


1. Tell us a little about yourself, your name, your pronouns, where you live. Share a small bio to help us get to know you.

Cienna (she / her /hers) was born into the Beauty Industry.  As a kid, she was dragged along to hair shows, answered salon phones and shampooed strangers heads.  She watched her Mama grow from a hair stylist, to a nationally awarded salon owner (  Before embarking on her own beauty industry journey, Cienna studied the performing arts.  She decided to enroll in beauty school as a means to finance her artistic dreams.  In 2016 she moved to ATL and never imagined that she'd fall so in love with this city and what she does.  

Cienna is a licensed esthetician specialized in Gua Sha and gemstone facials, with a love for waxing, vaginal care and the latest natural and holistic skincare and beauty trends.  She holds numerous certifications.  Cienna is passionate about what she does and the experiences she creates for her fabulous guests.  She hopes that  Ode to Wonder  encourages you to explore all things you Wonder about!  Trust that what you are drawn to is what your skin (& spirit) needs! 

2. When did you start taking conscious care of yourself?

Encouraging my guests to take care of themselves is what motivates me to in turn, take care of my own health and well being.  I am constantly growing, healing and discovering new ways of implementing self care through the work that I do.  My interest in holistic spa services has been a huge motivation for me.  This year I have condensed my schedule, as to give myself more room to study holistic practices, schedule my own self care appointments and rest so that I'm better able to give my energy to my guests!  

3. What is your definition of self-care?

Filling your life with the people, things and practices that bring you joy!  

 Ode to Wonder Atlanta


4. In your experience, how does self-care relate to community care?

By putting yourself first and being responsible for your own energy, you are then able to better show up for others and share that positivity.  I also encourage folks to pay attention to and be intentional about what they buy and the missions those brands have.  For instance, I make a huge effort to house small/boutique brands in my space.  I love supporting women owned and black or minority owned brands and ones that tend to give back to the community and/or represent my beliefs.  Not Pot C-B D Gummies and Honey Pot Co. Intimate products, are a few of the lines that give back to the community in ways I support.  The crystal - infused/aided lines that I carry, are my way of sharing my personal spiritual beliefs and practices (ie: Aquarian Soul, Self Ceremony, Divine Arte.)

5. What is your current favorite Self Ceremony? 

My favorite self ceremony would definitely be Gua Sha and Facial Cupping.  As a skincare therapist, I am thrilled to have found a natural skincare and spiritual practice that not only feels amazing but that also raises my energetic vibration.  It is a Traditional Chinese Medicine practice that I have been slowly introducing to my skincare guests.  Whether or not you are a crystal believer, this holistic therapy offers immediate results and is super relaxing! 

6. How do you know when you’ve been slacking on your self-care? What do your red flags look like?

My red flags are definitely my moods.  When I'm feeling icky, I immediately have to shift any negative thinking.  My body literally gets inflamed when I am not treating it well.  Another indication that I'm slacking on SC is when my personal space becomes messy.  If my physical space is chaotic, I find it extremely difficult to concentrate. It is pivotal that my personal space feels like a sanctuary. 


Cienna Rose Ode to Wonder


7. What is your inspiration to continue doing what you are doing? What is the fuel that keeps you going?

100% my clients!  My inner desire to honor the little girl in me is also a major motivator to keep things pushing.... she would want me to always work towards reaching my highest potential and to continue sharing my gifts and creative expression with the people around me.   

8. What have you learned this past week / month? What are you getting better at?

Lately I've discovered how important it is to give myself permission... permission to be still, to do nothing, to take things day by day and that it's totally okay not to get everything done all at once! This is extremely difficult for a perfectionist like me! 

9. Tell us a fun fact about what you do, or something people may not know.

I love the services I perform in the beauty industry but what I'm truly passionate about is the creative part about being an esthetician and business owner.  I find immense joy in designing my space, curating events/workshops, developing protocols and researching/working with products and other practitioners that I personally love.  Everything I do and every product I use in my work, is a reflection of who I am and my personal beliefs and missions.  For me, creating experiences for my guests is far more important than the actual service I am offering.  ATL is over saturated with spas and beauty professionals.  I wanted to tailor every single guest's experience to ensure they leave feeling better than they did before they walked in.  My clients are encouraged to use their intuition when they come in.  I ask them what music they want to listen to, what body oil they want to experience today (c- bd, crystal infused, etc.)... this is my way of making sure that the service they've come in for is THEIR OWN experience.  I am consciously strengthening their ability to trust and honor their own needs because self care looks, feels and smells differently for every guest.  


Ode to Wonder Atlanta


10. What’s the best advice you’ve been given? Or what is your message to the world?

Best advice I've been given: To ask the universe for what you want and trust that you will receive what is in your highest, greatest good! 

Message to my guests/the world regarding Skincare:  Fill your space and overall life with things that bring you joy!  There's an overwhelming abundance of skincare products, tools and services.  To make it more simple, use your intuition when you're making choices.  If you are drawn to certain smells, textures or even the way certain products/tools look... then trust that maybe that thing you're drawn to is exactly what your skin and spirit needs.  We are so conditioned into putting ourselves into a box.  For instance, people who experience acne are made to believe all their products need to treat acneic skin.   Women who are aging are "anti" aging rather than pro, "aging gracefully."  If we remove the labels and "skin types" and assume that our skincare needs change as our skin (and as we) transition(s) and changes due to weather, stress, hormones, etc. ... we can then implement different tools and products based on what our skin is communicating with us on a day to day/week to week/season to season basis!


Follow Cienna and schedule an appointment at Ode To Wonder next time you're in Atlanta!

Instagram @odetowonder.atl




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