This is our tried and true approach, but allow yourself to play a little and create your own Self Ceremony.

- Light candles, put on your favorite relaxing music or nature sounds, scent the room, hang a 'do not disturb' sign on your door… you name it. Give yourself time to create this safe space and lean into it.

- Take a moment to connect with your mask, it's made of crystals after all :) 

- Set your intentions.

While holding it in your hands set intentions for this moment. Do you need to create some silence to connect with your inner voice? Do you want to lead with your heart more today? Enjoy the little things a bit deeper? Have you thanked your body today?
Whatever is on your heart, allow your mind to speak it out loud.

 - Lay the mask over your eyes. Take a few long deep breaths and let go of all the tensions of the day and unwind your mind. Leave on for as long as you need.

self ceremony jade mask. self care gifts. self care rituals. meditation tools. meditation tips. how to relax. rest is sacred.

- Turn it upside down and place it over your mouth and jaw to soothe the tension accumulated there.

- For an extra cool pick-me-up feeling, try popping your mask in the fridge.
For a soothing ritual, warm it up under warm water (not too hot for skin contact, of course).

- Try it also over a sheet mask. Or put it on when you have a headache or puffy eyes! The possibilities are endless.

- To clean is you can use soapy water and rinse. We love spraying it with lavender infused water (of the scent of your choice), for a little aromatherapy!

- An excellent complement to use after your Rose Quartz Roller, Gua Sha tool, and crystal combs.

- It’s also great during meditation! The skincare benefits are equivalent to the ones performed to the mind: as the jade mask hugs your face, its vibrational energy will slowly make your tension reside and help you relax.


Our rituals and tools remind us that every day, every moment, every breath is a ceremony worth taking the time to experience. These simple rituals are ways to connect back to our innate, divine ways of moving with the flow of it all. They remind us that there is a deep, interwoven connection we feel with the world around us once we give ourselves the time to connect within.